Australian RPG Mailing lists
Below is a list of mailing list about roleplaying in Australia with a brief description. They provide a means of contact for roleplayers in many parts of Australia.
If you have a mailing list to add to those listed below, or wish to have your mailing list removed, just send correstondence via the Contact page.
Scroll down the page to look through the mailing lists, or click to go straight to a category:
Yahoo Groups
Games appear below in alphebitical order in the catogory they are listed in Yahoo groups.
- Games
- Role Playing Games
- murps
A University Club for Roleplaying, Wargaming, CCG, Anime, B-Grade Movies
[old list? -ed] - ozld-bris-discussion
A Discussion Group for Living Death Players in Brisbane, Australia and those who may visit from Interstate/Overseas.
[No activity since 2003 -ed] - trinsty-grammer-rpg
Mailing list for Trinsty Grammer roleplaying group.
[not very active -ed] - WaterRatsRPG
This is a role playing game for the Australian TV series Water Rats. You can be one main character, and as many made ups as you want to.
[not very active -ed] - Club-Based
- adel-rpg
The Adelaide RPG Mailing List has been set up to inform Role-Players in Adelaide of upcomming Events such as Freeform Evenings, Playtests, Demonstration RPG's, and Social Events.
[No activity since 2004 -ed] - aust_LRP_organisers
for organiser of LRP in Australia
[No activity since 2001 -ed] - murps_list
This is the mailing group for Macquarie University Roleplaying Society, based at Macquarie University in Sydney, NSW. - NUGS
The mailing list for NUGS
[Newcastle University Gaming Society? -ed] - roaring-au
A list to provide information for members of the Ring Of Australian RoleplayING web ring. - TheGuildUoW
The Guild is the University of Wollongongs Roleplaying and Gaming society. We try to facilitate all kinds of gaming activities such as Roleplaying, Card games, Minature games, Network Computer games etc. - The_Roleplayers_Guild
This is the primary discussion group which serves as a means to organize the various other aspects of "The Roleplayers Guild". The guild is a fledgling association that seeks to bring gamers together to facilitate face to face roleplaying. - The_Roleplayers_Guild_of_Melbourne
This is a contact portal for roleplayers in Melbourne, Australia. Add your name to our address database, chat with other members, post files to share and schedule meetings. - Fantasy_Gathering
- dwarfinc
An email list for DWARF members.... (Dandenong Wargamers and Roleplayers Federation Inc.)
- dwarfinc
- adel-rpg
- General
- DragonDen
A place for all those in perth who love fantasy. Here you can talk about fantasy books and art and even gaming like warhammer... - perrenland
A role-playing discussion group for the Perrenland region of the RPGA Living Greyhawk campaign. This group provides information for campaign players in the Australia/New Zealand region. ... - Southern Highlands Gaming Web
Group looking for other gamers in the beautiful Southern Highlands, NSW. Whether it be role-playing, D&D, d20, Warhammer...whether you're a DM or just a casual player. Looking for established groups or individuals.
[No activity since 2004 -ed] - timevortexsim
The Time Vortex is a biweekly weekend rolepaying group for Doctor Who and Sci Fi fans from around the world. ...
- DragonDen
- Live Action
- cityofchurchesmet-IC
This is an "In Character" discussion list for "Vampire: City of Churches" LARP, derived from the "Vampire: The Masquerade". The game is based in Adelaide, South Australia
[No activity since 2002 -ed] - cityofchurchesmet-NEWS
This is an Announcement only list for players of the "Vampire: City of Churches" LARP. It will be used to post rule changes, news articles and any other developments concerning the game.
[No activity since 2001 -ed] - cityofchurchesmet-OOC
This is a Out Of Character discussion list for those who play "Vampire: City of Churches" LARP.
[No activity since 2003 -ed] - fearinthedark
Fear In The Dark is a Minds Eye Theatre, Live Action Role Playing Game. Players take on the roles of Sabbat vampires in modern night Adelaide, Australia.
[No activity since 2001 -ed] - mighty_dragon
This group is to promote live roleplaying in NSW, in particular for people in the vicinity of the western suburbs of sydney.
[No activity since 2000 -ed] - sin-city
This is the mailing list for players and storytellers involved in the "Sin City" World of Darkness LARP running in Sydney, Australia.
[No activity since 2005 -ed] - World of Darkness
- Vampire: The Masquerade
- beyondredemption
An e-mail group keeping you up to date with all the happenings on the exciting new chat, Sydney: Beyond Redemption.
[No activity since 2001 -ed]
- beyondredemption
- Vampire: The Masquerade
- cityofchurchesmet-IC
- Systems
- Nephilim-Pentacamerum
This list is intended to leverage the tools in the Group environment to coordinate and run an online game of the Occult RPG Nephilim
[No activity since 2005 -ed]
- Nephilim-Pentacamerum
- murps
- Card Games
- austl5r
This list is for the discussion of Legend of the Five Rings in Australia, both the Card Game and the Role-Playing game. - FieldsOfBlackSilk
An email list that was originally created to service a nine month Legend of the Five Rings CCG Sealed deck league. The list now fills the role of a communication medium for CCG-related matters within Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. - Collectable Card Games
- Brisbane_Kindred
This is a group for Vampire:The Eternal Struggle (formerly Jyhad)CCG players in Brisbane Australia. It's purpose is to help organise discussions, trading, tournaments and other events that the members see fit.
- Brisbane_Kindred
- austl5r
- Other
- geewhiz
A list for the members of AGW...not necessarily to do with Gaming etc, but for info on what the Club's doing
- geewhiz
- Wargames
- vandiemenwargaming
The Van Diemen's Wargaming Club is currently an informal group of gamers in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. Historical, Sci-fi, Fantasy, minatures, boardgaming and roleplaying all welcome!!
- vandiemenwargaming
- Role Playing Games
- Entertainment & Arts
- Genres
- Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Star Trek
- Games
- Role Playing
- Ships
- uss_australis
Welcome Aboard the USS Australis, a Play By Email RPG sim.
- uss_australis
- Ships
- Role Playing
- Games
- Star Trek
- Science Fiction and Fantasy
- Genres
- Uncatogorised
- ozvs
A group for Australian Virtual Seattle players - unsw-rpg
For the members and friends of the UNSW Roleplaying, Gaming, Sci-Fi, eird stuff and social drinking Club. - vtes-sydney
Primarily for the discussion and announcements amongst players of Vampire: the Eternal Struggle Collectible Card Game (previously known as Jyhad) in the City of Sydney, Australia.
- ozvs
Yahoo Clubs
Games appear below in alphebitical order in the catogory they are listed in Yahoo Clubs.
- Games
- Role Playing Games
- Individual Games
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Ausie DnD RIFTS VAMP meetin spot
ok you need players players need you youre in australia and most clubs are american based here is your answer for RIFTS, DnD and all Storyteller systems (vampire, mage werewolf, etc)
- Ausie DnD RIFTS VAMP meetin spot
- Dungeons and Dragons
- Individual Games
- Role Playing Games